
Employer Branding – Promoting careers at Coveris


Coveris is a leading European packaging company that manufactures flexible and sustainable packaging for some of the world’s most respected brands. From food to medical supplies, pet care to storage, and industrial to agricultural goods, Coveris’ team use their technical know-how to create innovative packaging designed to minimise waste and maximise impact. 


Coveris approached Shooting Star for employer branding, to help enhance its presence locally as both a manufacturer and employer of choice. Many of the roles that needed to be filled at Coveris were temporary factory floor workers and owing to Brexit and Covid, a significant number of migrant workers who previously did these roles were no longer living in the UK. The main challenge was to solve these recruitment issues by: 

  • Promoting the company as a good employer with excellent company benefits to drive recruitment and staff retention, with a particular focus on areas such as diversity and inclusion.  
  • Raising the profile of the company: who it is, what it does, where it’s based, its products etc. 


The company felt that there was little awareness and understanding of the brand at a local level, therefore we developed an employer branding strategy to raise the profile of the company in the areas it operates. We planned to increase the number of applicants and improve staff retention by promoting the benefits of working at Coveris, with a particular focus on opportunities for career growth and personal development. 

To achieve these objectives, Shooting Star mapped out a six-month strategic campaign plan which followed the marketing funnel from awareness through to conversion.

We conducted audience segmentation and reviewed key messages aimed at those target audiences.

We also produced engaging videos for social media; conducted keyword research and created effective Google PPC ads and social media ads; secured PR coverage; wrote staff case studies for the website and social media and managed a strategic outdoor advertising campaign. 


  • Job applications totalled 1,701 – applications pre-campaign averaged 249 a month, rising to over 483 a month by the end of the campaign.
  • Website visits totalled 13,515 specifically to the UK careers pages.
  • The recruitment video reached over 85,700 people.
  • Press coverage achieved a reach of 42,300.
  • Facebook ads achieved a reach of 85,758.
  • Outdoor ads achieved a reach of 66,049.
  • Google PPC ads achieved 4,575 clicks.
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