Attending awards for photography and social updates

What’s the problem?

All too often organisers of awards ceremonies cover all the bases except one: they fail to make the most of the PR opportunities that their awards provide both for themselves and for the lucky winners. As a result the PR opportunity is lost – and it’s frustrating for PRs like us and for journalists looking for a story. That’s why we’ve put together a special package for awards organisers to help them extract maximum positive PR for their event and their award winners.

How can we help?

If you’re organising an awards ceremony we can support you from the very beginning of the process to help you to put your event in the spotlight. At Shooting Star we have a team of trained and experienced journalists, photographersmarketerssocial media experts and comms specialists – and some of our team have worked on the other side of the fence organising awards ceremonies themselves.

We can

  • help you plan a publicity strategy incorporating traditional and online PR, web and social media
  • issue news releases, host them on our dedicated newsroom and monitor the resulting coverage using our digital clippings agency Onclusive
  • liaise with your shortlisted nominees and organise photographs, videos, case studies and news releases
  • keep in touch with relevant journalists to make sure they’re up to speed with the latest news
  • plan and deliver a co-ordinated social media campaign promoting the awards ceremony in the weeks and months leading up to the big event
  • provide an efficient, responsive and proactive press office service to handle all media enquiries
  • invite the media to your event and look after them on the day / evening
  • issue pre-event news releases with photographs, quotes and video
  • ensure that post-event news releases, quotes, photographs and video are available and sent to the media within hours of the last champagne glass being emptied