Our director Jez Ashberry considers how PR and marketing have changed and advises on how to combine with best of the old with the best of the new.
Marketing has always intrigued me – all the different aspects of it and how it’s constantly changing. Having studied business in both school and college I realised that marketing is something that I’d like to do in the future.
Are you ready for your first job in PR and marketing? If so, we want to hear from you!
A recent study by the CIPR revealed that over a fifth of PRs are diagnosed with mental health issues while 75% said that agency work is the most stressful. So what are we doing as an agency to promote Mental Health Awareness Week?
When you’re running a business it’s important to consider who will be handling your public relations and marketing. Here are some reasons why we think you should consider employing an agency in favour of someone in house.
We have all heard of the old adage “Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you”, but how can you translate this into winning new business and leading your industry?
So, you’ve finally got the sign-off from your boss to deliver that awards evening, golf competition or open day you’ve been planning for months. However, in return for their investment, they want you to get some positive coverage for it in the media.
After several months of planning, we’ve just launched a second office in the East Midlands and won a hat-trick of clients!
If you are new to business development, the fun is just beginning!
You don’t need to have a killer strategy. You just need to have a strategy!