We’re Officially Trendy on Twitter!

You know that moment when you’re trending at number two nationally on Twitter?  No? Well, we didn’t either, until we went to the onlincolnshire Digital Conference this week!

This week we attended the conference as part of the onlincolnshire ‘wired’ events team, making sure that people not attending the event – and those who were there – had a detailed overview of everything happening on the day. The team included us, Glenn Le Santo, Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce, Epix Media and Peachy Productions.

We tweeted using #godigital2013, posted status updates and photos on Facebook and Instagram, posted videos on the onlincolnshire YouTube channel and generally took to the web with gusto in an attempt to stimulate online conversations and spread the word about superfast broadband and the difference it can make to your home and work life.

So when we started trending at number three, then got pushed up to number two in the UK, we were obviously thrilled.  But with great power comes great responsibility – or great frustration – as we got seriously spammed by bots looking to cash in on the hashtag’s popularity!

Away from the online activity the event did exactly what it said on the tin.  The line-up of speakers, which included Freeserve founder Rob Wilmot, Trefor Davies from Timico Technology Group and Stephen Parry from Lloyd Parry, informed, engaged and connected visitors to the power of superfast broadband.

Almost 150 people attended the event, with 15 exhibitors including experts in search engine optimisation, web design, graphic design and live streaming demonstrating their talents and services.  Businesses – including us – were also able to hear confirmation that superfast broadband is coming to Lincolnshire by 2016 following the signing of a £48m deal between Lincolnshire County Council and BT to upgrade the county’s infrastructure.

We’re over the moon with how the event turned out, and we’ve got to give a shout out to our colleagues at CDI Alliance for their excellent organisation skills.  Here’s to more #event #success!
