My Week of Work Experience

Sixteen-year-old Henry Farnworth from Banovallum School in Horncastle recently spent a week with us on work experience. Part of our mission as a business is to nurture young talent and we are passionate about helping students and graduates explore their options and get a foot on the career ladder. Here’s what Henry had to say about his week at Shooting Star… 

Henry Farnworth from Banovallum School in Horncastle

My Week of Work Experience 

For me the benefits of doing work experience while at school are numerous. Firstly, it grants you valuable knowledge and information in preparation for the outside world and getting a job. Secondly, it is great practice for how you should behave in the workplace in the future. It also allows you to get used to having colleagues and again learn how you should behave around them. Lastly, doing a work experience placement teaches you about the different jobs available and what’s involved. You may have an idea of what a marketer does, for example, but seeing it for yourself is a different matter.  

This week has also helped a lot because I was very nervous coming into my work experience as it is a change to how my time would usually be spent. However, it only took me a day to get used to it. I imagine knowing that will help anyone worried about it in the future. 

So my work experience has been a real change of pace and has changed my view on getting a job in the future because I now know not to worry about it. The short experience I’ve had at Shooting Star has helped put my mind at ease. 

However, for others who have different work placements, the experience may be very different. I’m lucky that I have managed to get a really good placement here at Shooting Star – the only issue I’ve had was travelling to Lincoln. Other than that it’s been a great experience to have and I highly recommend it to other students; it will help you a lot in getting a job in the future. 

I’ve been very lucky to get such a good placement, especially given that I didn’t choose it, and I’ve had a really enjoyable time. 

