Writing My Own Destiny

“Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don’t feel I should be doing something else.”  
  ‐ Gloria Steinem

For as long as I can remember, the magic of storytelling has enthralled me, writes Bella Genney. I wanted to be a firebrand journalist, traveling the world, taking up debates with power, and, just maybe, making a difference in telling stories that change lives.

More recently, though, now that I’ve reached the end of Year 10 and I’m starting to envision my life after leaving school, I’ve begun to investigate the different careers which rely heavily on the written word. This journey so far has opened my eyes to so many opportunities available for someone who simply loves writing, which were further enhanced by my time at Shooting Star.

Learning from work experience

When I arrived at Shooting Star for a week of work experience I soon realised I was in a dynamic workplace where hard work and creativity collide to create something special. During my time there I learned about the important role written language plays in shaping public perception and persuading people to do one thing or another; much of marketing is about creating content that resonates with audiences. As a result of my work experience my eyes have been opened to quite a few writing-related careers that I had not considered earlier.

One of these careers is content writing and blogging. Who wouldn’t enjoy getting paid for writing engaging articles and blog posts about topics that interest them personally? There is so much creativity and flexibility in this career: people can work with different companies or even freelance from their own homes. It provides self-expression by means of sharing opinions on the issues they’re passionate about and building a personal brand. The use of digital media has increased, which means content writers are in greater demand than ever before, allowing individuals to communicate their passions through writing.

Copywriting or technical writing?

Another area that I discovered during the week was copywriting. It’s a profession that deals with persuading people through text, be that an advertisement, website, brochure, or any other marketing literature. Its purpose? To get people to act, whether by buying the product, signing on for a subscription, or simply clicking that ‘submit’ button. Combining creativity and psychology can get the wheels turning inside people’s minds. Copywriting is one of the most lucrative opportunities available, and skilled writers often work in a wide variety of industries.  

There’s also technical writing, ideal for people who like making complicated ideas clear. Technical writers prepare files – a manual of operations or how-to guides – showing others the ropes on products and services. This requires great attention to detail and a disposition to turn technical jargon into everyday language. If you are passionate about sharing knowledge about technology or science, then this is likely to be your thing.

Screenwriting is the field that will fascinate those who have storytelling flair and are inspired by movie magic or television. Screenwriters write scripts for movies, TV shows, and even video games. This is a career that demands creativity and strong narrative skills; you need to be able to work with a director, producer, and actors. Although breaking into screenwriting can be very tough, it seems like an interesting career path for those with plenty of good ideas up their sleeve.

Another interesting avenue is publishing, paired with editing. Every writer needs an editor to improve and polish manuscripts for publication. It requires developing a keen eye for detail, strong grammatical skills, and, of course, a love of reading. Editors have the chance to be introduced to new writers and bring their stories to the world.  

Journalism in the digital age

And then there is journalism in the digital age. While traditional journalism remains a noble and important profession, today’s journalists quite often work for online publications, reaching a global audience instantly. This is multimedia journalism, described as writing combined with video, audio, and interactive elements – a fast-developing area with huge potential.   

This reflection on my journey so far has made me realise that my passion for writing can take me down many different paths, most of which start at the very crossroads where I stand now. My experience at Shooting Star has been invaluable, showing me just how varied are the careers that require strong writing skills. Moving forward in my life, I’ll be very excited to work towards these opportunities and see where my love of language may take me. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll read my blog or watch a movie I’ve written! BG

Bella Genney is a Year 10 student at Caistor Grammar School.
